i=1,…,n. \begin{aligned} &\text{maximize} && \sum_{i=1}^n u_i(x_i)\\ &\text{subject to} && Ax = b \\ &&& x_i \in S_i \qquad i = 1, \dots, n. \\ \end{aligned} maximizesubject toi=1∑nui(xi)Ax=bxi∈Sii=1,…,n. Note that the variable is x, the inputs and outputs of the economic processes.
The Lagrange dual problem is
minimizebTp+i=1∑nxi∈Sisup(ui(xi)−piT(Aixi)). Here, the variable is p, the prices of all inputs and outputs. Each term of the sum finds the utility-maximizing feasible production plan xi, where the agent running process i incurs a cost (or receives a subsidy) for each of their inputs and outputs, collected in the vector pi.
Duality theory tells us that, if the sets Si are convex, the functions ui are concave, and a (strictly) feasible production plan x exists, these two problems have the same optimal value. Furthermore, at optimality, the input-output constraints are satisfied (supply equals demand),
b=Ax⋆, and the optimal prices p⋆ equal the marginal utilities corresponding to each input and output at the optimal production plan x⋆,
∇ui(xi⋆)=AiTpi⋆. If you want to see this in a real-world example, check out this paper, especially section 3. We discuss and interpret the online version of the problem in the follow up work.
[1] | Red Plenty should be required reading for any operations research graduate student with grand notions of planned economies. |
[3] | Just bear with me for the thought experiment. There are lots of other considerations—transaction costs, information asymmetry, nonconvexities, and so on—that are beyond the scope of a blog post. |
[4] | Duality theory relies on several assumptions for theoretical equivalence. Real-world markets will of course deviate from these assumptions. This is why price setting works better for Uber than for the entire Soviet Union. See also [1]. |
[5] | Utility functions are ultimately shaped by laws (e.g., penalties for externalities) and by philosophy (or appeasing your local commissar). |
[6] | Analogously, stochastic gradient descent gives weaker convergence results in exchange for robustness to model misspecification. |
[7] | The small edit distance is not lost on me. |
[8] | Dictating the objective function is one thing. Getting participants to abide by it is something else. Again, see [1]. |
[10] | In fact, prices are the "most efficient" communication system for resource allocation. All roads lead to prices. |